Hello all you lovelies! Welcome to the easiest DIY of your life, my friends! I have been looking for the supplies for a long time now to do this, but if you stay patient to look for some cheap-o supplies, it definitely pays off big time! So… all you need is…
- Scrabble letters spelling out your choice of words. I chose “L-A-U-N-D-R-Y” but other choices could be words like “CLEAN” or “CLOTHES” or “FAVORITE” (for a favorite dress or top to be displayed on by chance…)
- A vintage hanger with a wooden part wide enough for the letters.
- A hot glue gun.
- This is so simple, you can probably guess just how to do it, but, I’ll tell you just in case!
- Heat up that hot glue gun ASAP & glue your letters to the hanger. [I attached mine in a bit of a haphazard way, because I like the way it looks much better than if I had attached them at perfect spacing and angles!]
That’s all folks, but I ADORE the result! I bought the Scrabble tiles inn a historic district in Iowa last summer when I was on vacation (check out the Amana Handcrafted Colonies HERE, because it is just too quaint!!!). Then, I just found the hanger at the Gypsy Caravan flea market that I talked about here. So, between the Scrabble letters & the hanger, I do believe this project cost me around $1.75! So expensive, right?! Hahaha, well I am a firm believer in bargaining away whenever it is appropriate, so if we ever go thrifting together, be prepared for me to put on my bargaining shoes! I hope you enjoyed this & hopefully you think the result is as adorable as I thought it was! Have a beautiful day!
Much love,