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Umba Box!

Hello lovelies!
Just wanted to quickly share with you about my friend’s company, Umba Box! It is a company that sends you a delightful box full of handmade goodies every month! You can subscribe for a couple months at a time, or just one month to try it out! My friend Erin is the buyer for the company, which means that she picks out each and every thing inside of the boxes. Trust me; her style is killer, so there’s no doubt that anything in the box is going to be incredible!

The boxes come with anything handmade, such as soaps, note paper, jewelery & other accessories! In each box, you also get a story about the artist, to see who they really are & how they made your product!

Finally, the girls at Umba Box just put together a great collage of things for the festivities of the season; and they took a great spin on Halloween by featuring products from Edgar Allen Poe’s spooky poem, The Raven.

Click HERE for info on how to buy these cute products!

I just wanted to let you know that although I was given no great adventures, vacations, goodies in a box, or Raven TOMS, I still wanted to post this because I LOVE Erin & her company so much & I thought I’d tell you about it tonight! Have a great week!
Much love,
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