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A Back to School Welcome Letter From Me to You.

Hey there, friends!

Whether you’re heading back to your freshman year of high school or your final year of grad school, this letter is for you.

I write this letter to you this morning coming from a place in my heart that knows you might need it. Because I needed it. So I wrote it to myself. And then proceeded to share it with you. Because who doesn’t want to read a bit of encouragement when feeling down? Or sense that they might get pretty stressed out soon? Going back to school sometimes brings those emotions.

There are times when I need a little encouragement about getting through the school year and I hope you find your own bit of personal encouragement here too! When I write, it helps me destress and think clearly about things ahead of me, so this is precisely what I did in writing this letter of encouragement to you all.

|| You’ve Got This, Friends ||

You are going to have days when it doesn’t feel like you’ll possibly accomplish everything on the day’s “to-do” list. There are days when you’ll only drink coffee and eat no meals (I speak from lots of personal experience). Some days will leave you in tears. Well, make that a lot of days if you’re anything like me. This school year will have times when things will feel so absolutely frustrating you’ll just want to give up. Skip class. Call in sick.

But what I’m here to tell you today is that, well, you’re going to kill it this year. No matter how many times you fall down or how many times you don’t get the grade you were looking for on that essay. I promise that you will kill this year, friends.

You only have one life to live, and I don’t think we should spend this life stressed out all the time. Take some deep breathes. You can do it. When you zoom out and look at the big picture of your life, this moment is so fleeting, that you will make it through! You will. Just trust me here. There is absolutely no need to worry yourself sick with stress over details that won’t matter a year down the road.

I was explaining to a friend the other day that this semester will actually kill me. And you know what, I’m already off on a bad note. Why would I set myself up for failure with all the negativity and stress that I can’t do it? I don’t know why I think this! I can absolutely make this semester one of the best of my life if I would just improve my time management, think positively, release the stress, and realize that whatever happens, I am enough.

|| Those times when you’ll get down on yourself and feel like you’re not enough…you are ||

I don’t care what those thoughts are that bombard you with comparison to other people, whether they be more popular than you in high school, in a better frat or sorority, or getting better grades than you are. I don’t know how I can get it conveyed to you enough so I will say it again ~ YOU ARE ENOUGH. You are not your grades, your social media following, your salary, etc. You are so enough and I want you to remember that always, somehow. Post-it note it to your computer, dry erase it onto your mirror. However you can, always remind yourself of this.

Another thing.

When you’re tempted to throw on a fake smile with a good friend about all you’re going through, consider sharing your story. Letting people you trust in on what’s really going on in your life will help you so much. Being real with friends and not sweeping your problems under the rug will absolutely change your life. It will also allow you to release some of the stress you carry. My homegirl Brené says it best…

“Vulnerability is not winning or losing; it’s having the courage to show up and be seen when we have no control over the outcome. Vulnerability is not weakness; it’s our greatest measure of courage.” – Brené Brown.

So friends. You’ve got this. You. Are. Enough. Be positive. Don’t be afraid to be vulnerable. Vulnerability is a courageous thing.

Today, with the start of the school year closely approaching, I’m praying for you and sending a ton of good vibes your way. You’ve got this school year. Let’s kill this year together, friends.

Much love,



* Thank you to my lovely friend Katie Prestemon for the incredible images. I am in awe of how she captured the story through these photos. This look is one of my favorite looks that I’ll be wearing to school, so I thought it was appropriate to share these photos with you as I share my back to school encouragement. Check out her website to see more incredibly captured images *

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