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Christmas Cleaning Tips to Simplify Your Schedule.

Hey guys!
Today I partnered with a fellow blogger, Sophia Evans, who is today’s guest contributor to share some of her favorite tips for cleaning around the holidays. With many people’s to-do lists a mile long around the holidays, getting your house ready for guests seems incredibly daunting. However, Sophia is a pro and owns her own London-based cleaning company, Tidy Cleaners London, so she’s here today to share her expertise. 
If you spend most of your time at work, then you’re probably losing track when it comes to dealing with the chores around your home. From my past experience, I can guess that you barely find enough time or energy to complete them all, especially at once. Even if you wipe down and organize in a regular manner, the rest of the duties are often left behind…you prepare dinner for your family members but the sink is full of dirty dishes and there is nobody to get them washed, etc.
I found the hard way that procrastination will not lead you anywhere and will surely not get your chores done. However, you may find my tips very helpful. Let’s get started! 
Prioritize your work. 
Before you devote yourself to finishing the first cleaning task that pops in your mind, make sure to ask yourself one  question “Is there anything more essential that I should start off with?” For instance, refrain from dusting and polishing the furniture when your sink or dishwasher are loaded with tons of dirty dishes, patiently waiting to be washed and actually you do not have any more clean cups to make yourself even a coffee. Take care of this first. Another mistake is to think that getting many small tasks done one after another will make your home more cleaner or de-cluttered. It will not. It will only consume your time and will exhaust you so much in the end that you will not have enough power to tackle the more important chores. Do not distract yourself with not so urgent matters while your floor is covered with dirty clothes.
Practice Consistency. 
This is also related to procrastination, actually. You will never live in a clean and hygienic environment if you put off completing the cleaning duties. Try to clean on a regular basis. In long terms, this tip will also save you money. How is this possible? The deep cleaning  is way more expensive than the frequent ones. A few hours every weekend sounds like enough time to spare on cleaning.
Tackle It Yourself.
I believe that you can tackle the cleaning yourself and even save money because you will not spend a fortune on booking the service or on expensive detergents. For example, here is my favorite trick when it comes to tackling limestone on the shower head: 1) Be sure to purchase a white vinegar. 2) Pour some of it in a plastic bag and place it on the shower head. You can do it with a rubber band. 3) Leave it to stay for a couple of hours and then remove it. 4) By using a cloth, wipe the head.
See? Easy, efficient and economical! Sinks tend to get stained, particularly the porcelain ones. You can easily clean the sink by scrubbing it with a sponge soaked into a warm water mixed with simple dishwasher agent or a dish soap, depending on how dirty it is. If the stains are more stubborn the better idea is to use the dishwasher agent since it is more powerful. After you rinse it, you are done.
You can also use salt to unclog drains and pipes? Just sprinkle a cup of salt and let it stay for a while. After this, run the hot water and it is all done! There are many so many tips from which you can take advantage when it comes to sanitizing and disinfecting a household on a budget. However, I think these ones are the most necessary tips everyone should be aware of. Try them. They will save you not only efforts, but money as well. Around the holidays, your most likely won’t have the time or money that you do the rest of the year, so hopefully these helpful tricks will give you a hand during your busy season. 
Thank you so much for joining us, Sophia, to share your helpful tips for efficiency around the holidays. Happy Monday! 
Much love, 
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