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International Women’s Day – Women Who Have Made a Difference.

Hi friends!

I’ve been thinking about International Women’s Day for the last few weeks, and now that it’s finally here, there is so much that has been weighing on my heart I can’t wait to share with you.

The last year or two of my life have included some of the biggest changes and transformations of my life. I couldn’t have done it without some amazing women by my side for advice and encouragement along the way.

via Pinterest

Today, I am so excited to share a few women who have impacted my life in the best ways – and why they are so important to me. But first and foremost, Happy International Women’s Day to each and every one of you. I’m so grateful to have you walking alongside me!

Fam + Friends:

My Momma: She’s the real deal, you guys. She encourages me in my dreams, is the ultimate advice-giver, and knows me just so well. 🙂

Kelly: It’s a little crazy to think about how two random girls ended up in Spain together studying abroad and instantly become the best of friends, and got to share so many new experiences together. We were on the fast track for growing into who we were meant to be in Spain, and after coming back to the U.S. didn’t miss a beat in encouraging each other to keep on growing. From Spain adventure buddy to Columbia roomie and now STL roomie, we’ve seen each other through so many amazing, horrible, scary, hopeful times.

Robin: How does it come to be that the first person you happen to meet on your college campus as a baby freshman turns out to be your best friend? Robin and I were instant friends and our friendship only grew and strengthened year after year of living together. There are few people on this planet who know me better than Robin and I have no doubt that wherever life takes us, we will be those old grandmas sitting together on a porch one day.

Megan: No matter how much we’ve changed over the nine years (!!!) we’ve known each other, it’s amazingly always been in similar ways and at similar times. She is my continual inspiration and continues to impart invaluable wisdom to me all the dang time. The deep conversations we share together are unlike any other friendship I’ve ever had and I treasure them SO much!

Me and Megan at her wedding in September

Mentors + Inspirations:

Jessica: I first met Jessica Honegger in Guatemala five years ago when she was there leading a group of Noonday Collection ambassadors. She has created an ethical fashion empire that is making such a difference globally AND she consistently shows up for each and every one of those women she serves, whether they sell Noonday products or are an artisan from a different country.

Alyssa: When I was working for Hiptipico, I discovered just how dedicated and passionate Alyssa is about her work and improving the lives of women and families in Guatemala. She’s always looking for a better solution and requires the highest quality of work – resulting in a top-notch company that does so much. Not only did Alyssa teach me exponentially more than I ever imagined possible in one summer, she has remained a friend and constant support to me.

Erica, me, and Alyssa in Santa Catarina Palopó, Guatemala


Gail: Gail is my boss at Soft Surroundings and I have never had a better boss, plain and simple. She cares so deeply about each one of the women working for her and knows how to make that clear. She continually brings me into important meetings so I can better understand the dynamics, invites me into her office to teach me new methods, and shares conferences with me that she thinks I will benefit from. Gail has been vital in my development as a new professional in the workforce.

Alex: One of the hardest pieces of graduating from college last May was leaving Alex, my professor turned boss turned mentor at Mizzou. Alex was an advisor for the College of Human Environmental Sciences, where I first met her. I’ve never met another individual who is so sincere and genuine in their approach to serving students. Her office was always my first stop whether I was experiencing something hard, or whether I had something exciting to share with her so we could celebrate!

Me and Alex at an awards ceremony celebrating an award she won!

As you can see, the last few years have brought an incredible amount of strong women into my life. These women have collectively provided hundreds of hours of support, advice, and encouragement to me – whether in person or through an email, call, or even through the pages of a book.

I am forever inspired by all of you – and you each inspire me to be a better women for all those I interact with each day.

Happy International Women’s Day!


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