
Hi! And Welcome Back!

/ January 30, 2021 /


Hi hi, I’m Olivia! Welcome (back?) to A Drop in the Ocean, the blog I started when I was 16 years old. I wanted to take a quick moment to reintroduce myself since so many of you might be reading this for the first time, before I get back into posting regular content! 🙂 

Eight years ago, I found myself halfway through high school, trying to figure out what I wanted to do with my life. I was considering a multitude of different routes for potential college majors, one of which was journalism. I thought that I could start this platform to document my love of fashion and travel as well as practice my writing, but it quickly turned into something deeper. Not only have my readers followed me through high school (!!), college, a cross-country move and now living in Austin, but also have been there as I documented my personal struggles, successes, and more. I couldn’t be more grateful for each and every one of you – and I promise to always bring you content that’s true to me. 

When I started my blog in 2012, as I mentioned, it was because I cared about travel and fashion, and wanted to share that love with others. I still deeply love those things, but I love them differently, as I now see topics like fashion and travel from such a different lens. During my college years, I became heavily involved with the ethical fashion industry, and wanted to do everything in my power to support an industry that provided fair labor practices and wages to its workers. The more I learned though, the more I realized how inaccessible and exclusive ethical fashion can be – typically there is immense privilege in the ability for people to shop ethically. 

I became interested in social issues and environmentalism. But the more I learned about those topics, the more I realized how so many of the topics I was interested in were all connected – sustainable fashion, intersectional feminism, and many other social justice issues.Ultimately, what I’ve realized is that all of these things can (and should) go hand in hand to create a better future – and that is something I am so excited to be a part of. I have so much learning to do, but I’m happy to have you here too to learn right alongside me. I’m excited to help point others in the direction of accessible resources that have helped me grow and learn so much about topics like: intersectional environmentalism, sustainable fashion, ethical travel, and anti-racism. I’m so happy you’re here. 

Whether you’re new here or back after my break, I thought I’d share a few random facts about me to get to know me a little better 🙂

  1. Whenever I’m traveling or living abroad, I always drive motorcycles so I’m constantly plotting how I can get my motorcycle license and motorcycle in the States. 
  2. When I was younger, I wanted to own a furniture store where I sold furniture I made and I wanted to have a bakery/cafe attached. Weird flex, 6 year old Olivia. 
  3. In 2019, I adopted my French Bulldog Pixie and she’s pretty much been my constant sidekick ever since 🙂
  4. I studied International Marketing and Merchandising at Mizzou (Go Tigers!) and work in Marketing for a tech company and also as an Assistant Instructor at a University here in Austin, TX. 
  5. My favorite foods are sushi, tamales, or khao soi (my fave Thai dish!). 
  6. I’ve lived in Guatemala and Spain for various chunks in my life and am constantly practicing my Spanish! If you ever need a conversation buddy, hit me up! 

That’s all for now but be on the lookout for regular posts by me from here on out! 

Much love, 
